Our software is appropriate for OTs to draw floor plans.
Easily align walls, doors, windows, and fixtures
Measurements for all wall dimensions
Displayed in metric measurements, perfect for reports
Purpose-built for OTs in Australia, Moddy simplifies the process of planning home and bathroom renovations.
Moddy empowers Occupational Therapists to efficiently design and modify homes with precision and ease.
Occupational therapists can use Moddy to design rooms in any shape using the pre-made rectangular or square room builder, or the modular wall tool, which allows for the creation of any shape, including angular rooms.
However, most modifications and rooms are typically rectangular in shape, so the room builder tool is ideal for these standard designs.
Doors can be aligned quite easily to walls in Moddy.
The overall width of the door and the walls are the same. This allows for quite accurate and aesthetic designs.
Items are automatically measured, including their height, elevation, length and width.
Like most items in Moddy, a window has the advantage of our auto measurement feature, which will display dimensions such as elevation from the floor, width and height.
Fundamentally, Moddy software is very similar to reality.
For example, when you are designing a bathroom floor plan and take an export, all of the items will display the correct size and distance from one another – in the same way our eyesight works.
Moddy does not require any scale calculations to work with, in other words, our software is always to scale.
Yes, you can create any size of doors.
For example, a standard door width is 850mm, but bariatric is usually 975mm.
You can type in exactly what you want.
Most OTs, when sharing a home modification design, will pair the exported drawing from Moddy with a Scope of Works document, which will add some additional notes and specifications.
We also allow the real-time sharing of links of your project, allowing OTs to view the design within the Moddy software as well, but not edit it.